Grapevine Public Library
has invited Chefsville programs for the past 5 years. Each and every program is an honor to do.
Give generously to the Grapevine Public Library. The Library has been and continues to make outstandingly positive contributions to the communities they serve.
In March 2015, Grapevine Public Library had us out to do a Irish Themed. We brought a great program with fun recipes. Our programs are hands-on and the kids were engaged.

Below are links to recipes.
1st Class Kids/Chefsville want to thank our friends at the Grapevine Public Library and Star Telegram for their coverage of our event.
[btn title=”Click to see Star-Telegram Article” url=”” color=”#990099″ titlecolor=”#ffffcc” target=”new”]
Carpaccio of Zucchini with Ricotta
Click for the Grapevine Public Library