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Chefsville™ and Chefsville Kids™

Ready, Set, Cook!!! Learning comes alive in the kitchen classroom, where kids mix math, simmer science, and taste geography! Students will remember these programs for the rest of their lives. All taught in a fun and exciting atmosphere.

Schools Library Programs Civic Clubs
    Assembly Programs    Food Literacy    Big Brother Big Sisters
    Child Safety Week    Math Chefs    Boy Scouts
    Classroom Curriculum Support    Science Chefs    Girl Scouts
    Early Education and Pre-K    Space Chefs    Military Families
    Gifted and Talented    YMCA and YWCA
    Out of School Time Programs PTA
    Professional Development    Appreciation Luncheons/Dinners Other
    Red Ribbon Week    Carnivals    Mom’s Night Out
    Special Education    Fund Raisers    Parent’s Night Out
    STAAR Preparation    School Festivals    Camps during summer and school breaks
    Math Nights
    Science Nights


Chefsville Kids™ is the mobile culinary school for students throughout the Dallas Metroplex that connects math, science, language arts and social studies with cooking.

Cooking is loaded with academic and life skills. Cooking allows students to discover their world in a practical way. Chefsville Kids™ starts at PreK and has programs thru grade 12.

Chef Scott has been delivering education programs since 2006 and founded Chefsville, an educational non-profit. Chef Scott works in the “Chefs Move to Schools” and “Healthier Zone Schools” programs and sits on several local culinary institute boards.

Students remember these cooking programs for a lifetime!

Chefsville Kids chefs and staff come to your location.   Chefsville Kids is a fun, hands-on learning experience engaging everyone with exciting, interactive activities.  Schedule a fantastic day at your school by booking a Chefsville Kids program.

Call for scheduling and pricing information.Programs Since 2007