Summer Camps!

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2023 Summer Camps

Everyone loves summer camps, especially cooking summer camps. We have a variety of themed cooking camps all summer long.
Pre-Registration is required by contacting the Park and Recreation Center hosting our camps and classes. (See below). We are so happy to present our summer line-up with you.

Most camps are 3 hours, mostly Monday thru Thursday (4 days) or Tuesday thru Friday (4 days).  Camps are generally 9 am-noon or 1 pm – 4 pm. All Chefsville camps include physical activity, games and contests, teaching aids, recipes, skills-drills, great cooking and fun eats.

All registrations are handled by the recreation center facility.







Filling –8/06 – 8/09….. M – Th. ….. 1pm – 4pm ……. Taste of the World ….. Ages 7+ ………. Course #: 8401

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