Chefsville has a program for schools and communities called Celebrate African American Cooking Greats.
This program highlights several interesting and incredible African-Americans who were not given the credit they deserved for inventions and innovations within the food industry. These include scientists, educators, culinarians, inventors and other wonderful personalities that have a story to share about improving the quality of life for everyone.
Attendees will connect, engage and be thrilled by the stories of these unsung heroes. From George Washington’s Chef to Space food, there are so many wonderful personalities to cover.
If you would like to book a program such as this, which is perfect for Black History Month (or any time of the year), please contact us at [Hello]@at Chefsville.[dot]org. Please include your phone# in your inquiry so we can get back with you as quickly as possible.
It would be a great honor to share this information with you! This is a wonderful program – it took me years to write it. Call for scheduling.